Media Registration

Media registration is free for accredited journalists and public-facing communications professionals.

The IRC Organizing Committee retains the authority to refuse, decline, or revoke media organization journalists' accreditation who do not adhere to the conference's principles, misuse the benefits provided by the accreditation, or use the accreditation improperly.

To apply for accreditation, please provide the following information:

Personal data

Social media

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All information must be entered as it appears in the passport or other official photo identification document which the participant intends to present at the registration desk. Please do not upload copies of your passport, national ID, visa or other personal identification.

The letter of assignment should be on official letterhead of the media organization and signed by the Publisher or Editor-in-chief or Director of News and Current Affairs indicating the name and duration of assignment of the journalist or reporter. The press badge must be official and valid; expired and self-made cards will not be accepted.

The names and information are for identification and verification purposes only and will not be published. The information will be retained for reference and documentation only.

For any questions, contact Rue Panela, IRRI Media Relations Specialist, at


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